Okay usually it takes me at least a week to write a blog but since I had no one to call and relay this absurdity to I had to take it to the pen. This blog is dedicated to the relationship guys and girls and actually a warning for those who come into contact with them. As I rode the train home I almost felt like Franny the Big Bad wolf but really I was only just being real to myself. The relationship boy is comparable to the recruit that hasn't been signed yet but has already made himself apart of the locker room huddle. They make one visit and then all of a sudden they are wearing UCLA colors and changing their profile picture to themselves in front of bear. Like chill.... we ain't on the same team yet.
1. He Tells You His Wedding Colors on the First Date vs. The Recruit That Picked His Number
I worked in recruiting for a couple of years and more than anything I hated the recruit that would watch the football game and tell me what they would do if they were in the game. Or the recruits that sit and tell me how they would wear their gear. Same with relationship boy: Now call me crazy but first dates are suppose to be fun and carefree... there should be no expectations except that of fun. Beware of those who try and get serious with you before they get to know you. And don't be tricked by his game... He isn't really gonna marry you but relationship boys know what they think girls wanna hear. If a boy hits you with the "My wedding is gonna look like this" hit him with the "Do you know when Trey Songz mixtape is coming out" Lol. I didn't do that I think I just smiled and nodded but I for sure didn't engage in that bullshit. Just like the recruit that hasn't even been offered yet the relationship boy is jumping clearly jumping the gun here.
2. Holding Hands on the First Date vs. The Recruit Who Thinks He's The Life of the Party
I'm not sure if any of you have met recruits at parties but there is nothing worse than a hs recruit that comes to a college party and acts like he is THE MAN. Like you're doing to much on your first college party. Same with holding hands on the first date(Or any date). Now I will admit a lot of my guy friends have complained that I act like a boy when it comes to certain things like holding hands... I will outright tell anyone I feel like I'm on a leash but imagine the boy who you just met asks to hold your hand on the first date. Like I'm thinking "YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW ME" like why are you holding my hand. We just met! I mean really he's tryna hurry and fill in his last relationship as quickly as he can the next date ya'll will be on picnics in the beach. Smh don't fall for it.
3. The 2nd Date is a Surprised Double Date vs. The Surprise Recruit
Now I actually really enjoy surprises... However I do NOT like investing in peoples friends and family unless I like more about them than a free meal. If a guy tries to have you all up with his friends before he even knows that you're a good enough girl to bring around then he's just doing what he's accustomed to. He doesn't really like you he likes relationships and is doing what is in the book. He doesn't like you he likes the idea of you. (Yes this boy really did have me show up to a dinner for four with steak and wine smh). Compare this to the recruit pops up to parties on wednesday after wins celebrating as if he played or the recruit that if you look really closely is at your away game with her parents with the school gear on... surprise surprise!
I can't say that all jackass or annoying recruits turn into jackass annoying athletes... however a lot do.... and I can say that all relationship boys turn into tired boring boyfriends. They aren't with you because they are so into you- they are with you because that's what they do. They can't stand being alone and they only know how to be with someone else. I asked the relationship boy after he did this that and the third for me after only one date what he'd be doing on this particular night if he weren't helping me.... he said he didn't know. You know why... its because he doesn't have a life outside a relationship! Smh loser.