Monday, August 29, 2011

To Pay Or Not To Pay?

Recently two guys that were visiting from out of town invited a friend and me on a date to the movies. I arrived a little earlier than everyone else so I stood outside waiting, proud that I was actually on time. To my surprise when the guy who had originally asked me on the date approached me with his friend he asked the question that no girl wants to hear: “Did you buy your ticket already?”

Now, although my friend-who and me was just as shocked as I about paying- ended up paying for our movie tickets, neither of us thinks that we should have. Honestly, this should never happen to any girl that is asked on a date, however, in case it does, I have some helpful hints that should navigate this awkward situation.

1. Embrace CP Time

Yes, I said it: Do NOT come on time to any date. This pertains mostly to people that live on the east coast and are taking the transit system to meet your date but it can also occur if you’re driving to meet your date. Me and my friend agreed that by me standing their waiting for him, it gave him the open door to ask me if I already bought my ticket when really I should have come walking up my usually 10 minutes late and asked him did he buy OUR tickets already or hit him with the “hey I’m running late so just get our tickets” text.

2. Make It A Girls Night Out

If you have been dying to see the movie as I had been, then pay the $13 and watch the movie with your girl and pretend it is a girl’s night out. Don’t sweat the $13 because believe me it will come back faster to you than you will expect. And talk to your girl the whole time as though you have no care in the world.

3. Don’t Lie To Kick It

Now, fortunately for the trifling guy that invited me, I actually wanted to see the movie so I just bought the movie ticket. However, if I did not want to see the movie, or had I not had the money, I would NOT have seen the movie. Looking back on it, the main reason that I paid for the movie ticket was because of my pride: I didn’t want to look cheap however why care about what you look like to two boys who invite you on a date and didn’t pay anyway. Excuse my French but Fuck what he thinks of you.

4. Play The Silent Treatment Game

It may be childish but it honestly will make you feel better. As soon as your “date” attempts to ask you a question or flirt think back to his “did you buy your ticket” moment and I promise you want have anything to say back. And whenever he does have something funny or clever to say relay it to your girlfriend who you are really having a GNO with anyway.

5. Do NOT Leave Your Date For His Friend

After I complete ignored my “date” I decided that my friends date would be both of our date. And this was not because I liked him or anything but it was simple to show my date how great a catch I am and how much fun I am. But after looking back on it this was just cruel for two reasons: 1. It messes up any potential connection that could be made between your friend- despite the fact that he didn’t pay for her either- and 2. The silent treatment is simple enough to get even with your date. Befriending his friend is overkill…. in the words of Kevin Hart “Know Your Cap” ladies.

6. Chuck It Up As A Loss

This rule is arguable the most important. Just because you meet one cheap skate that does not believe in chivalry don’t let it negatively affect your next date. Just go a few minutes late to the next date (which should come naturally for most) and beat him to punch like el cheapo did.

As women seeking to be independent our pride gets in the way and we get caught in these silly situations where expecting chivalry and being independent becomes unclear. However, unless agreed upon or unless you initiate the date, if you get hit with the “Did you buy your ticket already?” you have my permission to walk away without saying a word.